8 Ways AI can Improve Customer Support and the Customer Experience 

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  • 8 Ways AI can Improve Customer Support and the Customer Experience
July 5, 2023

In the bustling world of small to medium-sized businesses, customer support often becomes a challenging arena. You may have noticed the symptoms: a mounting pile of support tickets, customers waiting longer for responses, or perhaps a growing sense of frustration in your customer base. 

These are not just isolated issues, but typically signs of a much bigger beast to come.

Unresolved support tickets can lead to unhappy customers, tarnishing your brand's reputation. Long wait times can result in lost sales opportunities, as customers may choose to take their business elsewhere. 

And a frustrated customer base? That can lead to a significant decrease in customer loyalty, and ultimately, a drop in revenue.

But what if there was a way to not just manage these symptoms, but to transform them into opportunities for growth and improvement? 

What if you could leverage technology to not only enhance your customer support but also to elevate the overall customer experience?

The answer lies in Artificial Intelligence (AI). With its ability to automate tasks, analyze data, and engage customers, AI is revolutionizing the way businesses approach customer support. 

Chatbots and virtual assistants: Revolutionizing customer interactions

In the digital age, customer expectations are higher than ever. They demand quick, efficient, and personalized responses to their queries. This is where AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants come into play, revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers.

Chatbots, powered by AI, are capable of simulating intelligent conversations with users. They can respond to customer queries in real-time, 24/7, ensuring that your customers always feel heard and valued. 

But the capabilities of chatbots extend beyond just answering questions. They can guide customers through your website, suggest products based on their preferences, and even assist in the purchasing process. This proactive customer service approach can significantly enhance the customer experience, leading to higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Virtual assistants, on the other hand, offer a more advanced level of customer service. They can handle complex tasks such as scheduling appointments, sending reminders, or providing personalized recommendations based on customer behavior and past interactions. This level of personalization can make your customers feel truly understood and appreciated, fostering a deeper connection with your brand.

Let's take a look at 4 of the leading solutions in this space:


Chatfuel is a leading chatbot platform for Facebook Messenger. It allows businesses to create AI chatbots without any coding or AI expertise. Chatfuel's bots can answer customer inquiries, provide product recommendations, and even conduct surveys for market research. With its easy-to-use interface and robust features, Chatfuel is a great tool for enhancing customer interactions.


MobileMonkey is a multi-platform chatbot builder that allows businesses to create chatbots for a variety of platforms including Facebook Messenger, Instagram, and even your own website. MobileMonkey's chatbots can engage customers in interactive conversations, collect contact information, and even book appointments, making it a versatile tool for customer service, marketing, and sales.


Drift offers a conversational marketing and sales platform that includes AI chatbots. Drift's chatbots can engage customers in real-time, qualify leads, and even schedule sales meetings, freeing up valuable time for your sales team. With Drift, you can turn your customer support from reactive to proactive, enhancing the customer experience.

Wisdom AI

Wisdom AI is an AI-driven platform designed to enhance customer support. It leverages artificial intelligence to provide efficient and effective customer service, likely through the use of chatbots or virtual assistants. This allows businesses to handle a larger volume of customer queries, provide quicker responses, and improve overall customer satisfaction. 

Additionally, Wisdom AI can help businesses streamline their customer support processes, provide more personalized service, and improve their customer relationships.

Automated ticketing: Streamlining support with AI

In a busy customer support environment, managing and prioritizing support tickets can be a daunting task. The traditional manual process can be time-consuming, error-prone, and inefficient. But with AI, this process can be transformed into a smooth, efficient, and automated system.

Automated ticketing systems powered by AI can automatically sort and prioritize support tickets based on various factors such as urgency, customer value, or issue complexity. This ensures that critical issues are addressed promptly, and no ticket falls through the cracks. Moreover, AI can also suggest solutions to common problems, enabling faster resolution and freeing up your support team to focus on more complex issues.

But the benefits of automated ticketing go beyond just efficiency. By ensuring timely and effective resolution of support tickets, you can significantly enhance the customer experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Let's look at three leading automated ticketing solutions:


Zendesk is a customer service software company that offers a suite of support tools, including an AI-powered automated ticketing system. Zendesk's system can automatically assign tickets to the right team or agent, prioritize tickets based on rules you set, and suggest solutions based on past resolutions. With its robust features and intuitive interface, Zendesk can help streamline your support process and enhance the customer experience.


Freshdesk offers a cloud-based customer support software that includes automated ticketing among its features. Freshdesk's system can categorize, prioritize, and assign tickets automatically. It also includes a feature called "Scenario Automation" that allows you to create specific workflows to automate routine tasks. This can save your team a significant amount of time and ensure a consistent response to common issues.

Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk is a context-aware help desk software that helps businesses focus on the customer. Its automated ticketing system can sort and distribute tickets based on your predefined rules. 

It also provides a "Ticket Peek" feature that gives you a real-time view of ticket activity, so you can spot and address bottlenecks as they happen. With its focus on context and automation, Zoho Desk can help you provide more personalized and efficient support.

Predictive analytics: Anticipating customer needs before they do

In the world of customer support, being reactive is no longer enough. In order to truly stand out and provide exceptional customer service, businesses need to be proactive. This is where predictive analytics comes into play.

Predictive analytics uses AI and machine learning to analyze past data and predict future outcomes. In the context of customer support, this can mean predicting what issues a customer may face, what questions they might ask, or what products they might be interested in. This allows you to anticipate customer needs and address them before they even arise, leading to a smoother and more personalized customer experience.

But the benefits of predictive analytics extend beyond just proactive support. By understanding customer behavior and trends, you can make more informed decisions, optimize your support processes, and even identify opportunities for upselling or cross-selling.

Here are three leading predictive analytics tools that can help you transform your customer support:

Salesforce Einstein

Salesforce Einstein is an AI tool that uses data from Salesforce to predict sales outcomes and suggest next steps. But its capabilities extend beyond just sales. In the context of customer support, Einstein can analyze past support interactions to predict future issues and suggest solutions. This can help you provide proactive support and enhance the customer experience.

IBM Watson

IBM Watson offers a suite of AI tools for businesses, including predictive analytics. Watson can analyze unstructured data (like customer emails or support tickets) to extract insights and predict trends. This can help you understand your customers better, anticipate their needs, and provide more personalized support.

SAS Advanced Analytics

SAS offers a suite of advanced analytics tools that includes predictive analytics. SAS's tools can analyze past data to predict future outcomes, identify trends, and optimize processes. In the context of customer support, this can help you anticipate customer issues, optimize your support process, and improve the overall customer experience.

Personalized support: Making every customer feel unique

In today's competitive business landscape, providing generic, one-size-fits-all customer support just doesn't cut it. Customers expect personalized experiences tailored to their unique needs and preferences. This is where AI can make a significant difference.

AI can analyze a wealth of customer data, including past interactions, purchase history, and behavior on your website, to provide personalized support. This can range from recommending products based on a customer's past purchases, to providing support solutions tailored to their specific issues. This level of personalization can make customers feel truly valued and understood, leading to increased satisfaction and loyalty.

Moreover, personalized support can also lead to more efficient problem resolution. By understanding a customer's unique context, support agents can provide more targeted solutions, reducing resolution time and improving the customer experience.

Here are three tools that can help you provide personalized support:


Intercom is a Conversational Relationship Platform (CRP) that enables personalized communication with customers. It uses customer data to provide personalized support experiences, from automated responses to complex problem resolution. With its robust features and intuitive interface, Intercom can help you make every customer interaction count.


Kustomer is a customer service CRM platform that helps businesses automate repetitive tasks and personalize customer service. It provides a full view of every customer's history, allowing support agents to provide personalized and efficient support. With its focus on automation and personalization, Kustomer can help you transform your customer support process.


Gorgias is a helpdesk for Ecommerce stores that allows your customer service to turn your support center into a profit center. It uses AI to automate responses to common questions and provide personalized support based on a customer's purchase history and preferences. With Gorgias, you can not only improve your customer support but also increase sales through personalized recommendations.

Sentiment analysis: Understanding your customers beyond words

Understanding your customers goes beyond just knowing their purchase history or support interactions. It's about understanding their feelings, emotions, and sentiments towards your brand. This is where sentiment analysis, a key application of AI, comes into play.

Sentiment analysis uses AI and natural language processing to analyze customer feedback, reviews, and interactions to determine their sentiment towards your brand. It can identify whether a customer's sentiment is positive, negative, or neutral, and can even detect specific emotions like happiness, frustration, or anger.

This deeper understanding of your customers can help you in several ways. It can help you identify unhappy customers before they churn, understand the reasons behind customer dissatisfaction, and take proactive steps to improve the customer experience. It can also help you identify happy customers who can become advocates for your brand.

Here are three leading sentiment analysis tools:


Clarabridge offers customer experience management solutions including sentiment and text analytics. It can analyze customer feedback from various sources to identify sentiment and emotions, helping you understand your customers on a deeper level.


Brandwatch is a digital consumer intelligence suite that includes sentiment analysis. It can analyze customer conversations across the web to identify sentiment and trends, helping you make more informed decisions.


MonkeyLearn is an AI platform that allows you to analyze text with Machine Learning. It can automate business workflows and save hours of manual data processing. With its sentiment analysis feature, you can understand customer sentiment at scale, helping you improve your customer support and experience.

Training and support for customer service representatives: Empowering your team with AI

Your customer service representatives are the front line of your business, interacting directly with your customers. Providing them with the right training and support is crucial for delivering exceptional customer service. AI can play a significant role in this area.

AI can analyze past support interactions to identify common issues and effective solutions, providing valuable insights for training your customer service representatives. It can also suggest responses during live support interactions, helping your representatives resolve issues more efficiently.

Moreover, AI can provide ongoing support to your representatives, helping them stay up-to-date with the latest product updates, policies, and procedures. This ensures that your representatives always have the most current information, enabling them to provide accurate and effective support.

Here are three tools that can help you provide training and support to your customer service representatives:


Lessonly provides training software for customer service teams. It allows you to create interactive lessons, quizzes, and practice scenarios to train your team. With its focus on active learning and practice, Lessonly can help your team master the skills they need to provide exceptional customer service.


UJET is a modern cloud contact center software company with leading innovation in smartphone-era customer support. It provides your customer service representatives with a unified, easy-to-use platform for handling support interactions across multiple channels. With its AI features, UJET can suggest responses and provide real-time assistance to your representatives, helping them provide efficient and effective support.


Guru is a knowledge management solution that keeps customer-facing teams up-to-date, consistent, and confident with trusted knowledge that's accessible in every application they use. It uses AI to deliver the right information to your representatives at the right time, helping them resolve customer issues more effectively.

Multilingual support: Breaking language barriers in customer support

In today's globalized world, businesses often serve customers from different countries and cultures. Providing customer support in multiple languages can be a significant challenge. But with AI, you can break language barriers and provide seamless multilingual support.

AI-powered translation tools can automatically translate support interactions in real-time, allowing your representatives to communicate with customers in their preferred language. This not only enhances the customer experience but also expands your market reach.

Moreover, multilingual support is not just about translating words. It's also about understanding cultural nuances and providing culturally appropriate support. Advanced AI tools can take into account cultural differences in communication styles, ensuring that your support is not only linguistically accurate but also culturally sensitive.

Here are 4 tools that can help you provide multilingual support:


Unbabel combines AI with a global crowd of human linguists to provide translation services. It can translate customer support interactions in real-time, allowing you to provide seamless multilingual support. With its focus on quality and speed, Unbabel can help you serve your customers in their preferred language without any delay.


Lionbridge offers professional translation and localization services. It uses AI to automate the translation process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. With its cultural expertise and advanced technology, Lionbridge can help you provide culturally appropriate support in multiple languages.


TransPerfect provides business solutions including translation services to enable global communication. It uses AI to provide fast and accurate translations, helping you break language barriers in customer support. With its wide range of languages and industries served, TransPerfect can help you reach a global customer base.


Searchie.io is an AI-powered platform that provides a range of services primarily focused on video content. It offers features such as transcription and translation, making it easier for businesses to understand and utilize the content within their videos. 

Additionally, Searchie.io provides a powerful search feature that allows users to find specific content within their videos quickly and easily. This can be particularly useful for customer support, training, and content management purposes, as it allows businesses to extract valuable insights from their video content and use them to improve their services and operations.

Self-service options: Empowering customers with information at their fingertips

In the digital age, customers are becoming increasingly self-reliant. They prefer to find solutions to their problems independently, without having to contact customer support. This is where AI-powered self-service options come into play.

AI can power self-service portals, knowledge bases, and FAQs, providing customers with the information they need to resolve their issues independently. This not only enhances the customer experience by providing instant solutions but also reduces the load on your customer support team.

Moreover, AI can personalize the self-service experience by recommending articles or solutions based on a customer's past interactions and behavior. This ensures that customers find the most relevant and effective solutions, increasing their satisfaction and loyalty.

Here are three tools that can help you provide self-service options:


Bold360 provides a customer engagement solution that includes AI chatbots and self-service options. Its AI can guide customers to the right resources in your knowledge base, providing them with the information they need to resolve their issues independently. With its robust features and intuitive interface, Bold360 can help you empower your customers and enhance their experience.

Zendesk Guide

Zendesk Guide is a knowledge base software that allows you to create a self-service portal for your customers. It uses AI to recommend articles based on a customer's issue, ensuring that they find the most relevant information. With its easy-to-use interface and powerful features, Zendesk Guide can help you provide effective self-service options.

Zoho Desk

Zoho Desk provides a self-service portal that allows your customers to find answers to their questions independently. Its AI can suggest solutions based on a customer's issue, providing a personalized self-service experience. With its focus on customer empowerment, Zoho Desk can help you enhance the customer experience and reduce the load on your support team.

The future of customer support: AI at the helm

As we've explored in this post, AI is not just a buzzword in the realm of customer support. It's a powerful tool that can transform your customer support operations, enhance the customer experience, and ultimately drive business growth.

From chatbots and virtual assistants that provide instant, personalized interactions, to automated ticketing systems that streamline support processes, AI is revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers. 

Predictive analytics can help you anticipate customer needs, while sentiment analysis can provide deeper insights into customer emotions. AI can also empower your customer service representatives with training and support, break language barriers with multilingual support, and empower your customers with self-service options.

But the power of AI doesn't stop there. As AI technology continues to evolve, we can expect even more innovative applications in the realm of customer support. The future of customer support is undoubtedly AI-driven, and businesses that embrace this technology will be well-positioned to provide exceptional customer service and stand out in the competitive business landscape.

As a small to medium-sized business owner, you might be wondering how to start your AI journey. This is where Bizzuka's CXO roundtable comes in. We bring together industry experts and thought leaders to discuss the latest trends and strategies in customer experience, including AI. 

By joining our roundtable, you can gain valuable insights, learn from the experiences of others, and develop a roadmap for implementing AI in your customer support operations.

In the end, AI is not just about technology. It's about understanding your customers better, meeting their needs more effectively, and building stronger relationships with them. And that's what customer support is all about.