Your Guide to Conducting a Social Media Audit 

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February 22, 2022

Are you looking to improve your social media strategy? 

Maybe you’re not sure where to start, or you feel like your current plan is no longer working. 

In either case, conducting a social media audit can be an extremely helpful way to enhance your strategy. 

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps involved in conducting an audit, as well as provide some tips on how to use the information you gather to improve your overall strategy.

1. Analyze the performance of your posts and take note of which ones receive the most engagement

The first step in conducting a social media audit is analyzing the performance of your profiles as well as your sponsored and unsponsored posts. 

To do this, you’ll need to gather data on how many impressions each post received as well as how much engagement (likes, shares, comments) it generated. 

You can use tools like Facebook Insights or Twitter Analytics to gather this information.

Once you have this data, you can start to see which posts were most successful and which ones fell flat. 

This information can help inform your overall strategy by giving you an idea of what content is resonating with your audience and what isn’t.

You can also use this data to determine if your current social media strategy is effective. 

If most of your posts are generating a low number of impressions and engagements, it might be time to rethink your approach.

On the other hand, if you have a few posts that received a lot of engagement, you can try to replicate that success by creating more content like it.

2. Review the demographics of your audience

In addition to analyzing the performance of your posts, you’ll also want to take a look at your audience demographics. 

This can give you a better understanding of your followers and their interests. This information will be very helpful when creating content, as you can tailor your posts to appeal to a specific audience. 

3. Maintain a record of all your profiles

It’s always a good idea to maintain a record of all your usernames and passwords in one place. 

This will save you from having to track down login information every time you want to review your data.

Do NOT store this data in a spreadsheet or document. Instead, consider using a safe and encrypted password manager like Dashlane. This will greatly reduce your risk of becoming hacked.

4. Make sure you know who on your team has access to the passwords

Once you have all your login information gathered, it’s important to make sure that only the appropriate people on your team have access to it. 

If you decide to go with a password manager tool like Dashlane, you can give access to specific people on your team, and they will only be able to see the passwords for the profiles they are responsible for. 

This will help ensure that only authorized individuals have access to your social media data.

5. Assess community management practices

In addition to analyzing your social media profiles and audience demographics, you’ll also want to assess your community management practices. 

This includes things like how responsive you are to comments and messages, as well as how often you post content. 

By assessing these practices, you can get a better understanding of how well you’re engaging with your audience. 

For example, if you find that you’re not responding to comments quickly enough, you might want to increase the number of people on your team who are responsible for doing so. 

6. Perform a competitive analysis

Another important part of conducting a social media audit is performing a competitive analysis. At Bizzuka, this is one of our specialties.

The process involves analyzing your competitors’ social media profiles, the content they’re publishing and how often, as well as any ads they may be running on these platforms. 

By doing this, you can get an idea of what you’re up against.

You can also use this information to determine if there are any gaps in your content strategy that you can fill. For example, if you notice that your competitor is publishing more video content than you are, you might want to consider adding more videos into your content mix.

7. Be consistent with your branding

One of the most important aspects of conducting a social media audit is making sure that your branding is consistent across all profiles. 

This includes things like using the same profile picture and header image, as well as using the same color scheme. 

By being consistent with your branding, you can create a unified look for your brand and make it easier for your audience to recognize you.

Conducting a social media audit can be a time-consuming process, but it’s well worth it in the end. 

By taking the time to analyze your social media profiles and audience demographics, as well as your community management practices and competitive landscape, you can get a better understanding of how your brand is performing online.  

Don’t have the time to conduct an in-depth social media audit? Let the professionals help you see where you’re falling short. Schedule a free 45-minute strategy session with Bizzuka today!