10 Healthcare Marketing Strategies to Personalize the Patient Experience 

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September 22, 2022

As a healthcare professional, if you want to create lasting relationships with your patients and bring more people in the door, you need to be offering leading-edge services and utilize a patient-centric marketing strategy.

From the second they click on your website or ad, your potential patients are seeking a relevant and personalized experience. 

A lack of personalized experience will leave you in the dust. 

These 10 healthcare marketing strategies will help you personalize your patient experience.

1. Offering telehealth

If you don’t currently offer telehealth, now is the time to hop on the bandwagon. Not only does it provide your patients with convenient access to care, but it also allows you to connect with them on a more personal level.

When patients can see and speak to their doctor from the comfort of their own home, they are more likely to feel comfortable and open up about their symptoms and concerns. This, in turn, leads to better diagnosis and treatment plans.

In addition, telehealth gives you the opportunity to connect with patients who may not be able to come into your office for an appointment. This makes you more accessible and is a great way to expand your reach and attract new patients.

2. Personalize your outreach

In order to attract new patients, you need to personalize your outreach. 

This often means putting effort into the little things, such as personalized birthday cards, emails, or texts.

In fact, sending emails with personalized subject lines and content has proven to significantly increase open rates by 50% and generate an ROI of over 150%.

No matter who you’re trying to reach, make sure your healthcare marketing strategies are tailored to their specific needs.

3. Engaging with patients post-admission

Engaging with patients post-admission is a great way to build loyalty and create lasting relationships.

Just because a patient has been discharged from your facility doesn’t mean your job is done. In fact, engaging with patients after they leave your facility is one of the most important aspects of providing personalized care.

This can be done in a number of ways, such as sending follow-up emails or letters, making phone calls, or sending text messages regarding follow-up care.

These communications build trust, patient satisfaction, and can also help reduce unnecessary healthcare costs for the patient. Of course, this type of engagement does require more time on your end, but these processes can be automated with the right technology.

No matter how you choose to engage with your patients, the important thing is that you make an effort to stay in touch and see how they’re doing. This will show them that you care about their well-being and want to ensure they’re getting the best possible care.

4. Make sure your website is user-friendly

Your website is often the first interaction potential patients have with your practice. 

That’s why it’s important to make sure your website is user-friendly and provides a positive experience.

Some things you can do to improve your website include making sure it’s mobile-friendly and easy to navigate, using easy-to-understand language, and including clear calls to action.

In addition, you should make sure your website provides potential patients with the information they’re looking for. This might include information about your services, prices, appointment availability, or accepted insurance plans.

By making sure your website is user-friendly and informative, you’ll be able to provide potential patients with a positive experience that will encourage them to use your services.

5. Take advantage of social media

Social media is a great way to connect with potential and current patients. It allows you to share important information about your practice, such as updates, news, and events, in a way that gives your brand a more personal feel.

In addition, social media is a great platform for engaging with patients and building relationships. You can answer questions, give advice, and provide support.

By taking advantage of social media, you’ll be able to reach a wider audience and provide them with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health.

6. Create strong patient personas

In order to provide personalized healthcare, you need to understand who your patients are. The best way to do this is by creating strong patient personas.

When creating a patient persona, you should include information such as demographics, health status, behavior patterns, pain points, values, and motivations.

This information will help you create a well-thought-out campaign that produces an emotional response from potential patients. These personas help you humanize your strategy and resonate with your desired audience, resulting in higher traffic and engagement rates, lower bounce rates and marketing costs, and a more effective campaign overall.

By understanding your patients, you’ll be able to provide them with the personalized care they need and want.

7. Offer an omnichannel experience

An omnichannel experience is a seamless experience that allows patients to interact with your practice through multiple channels. 

This might include your website, social media, phone, email, or in-person.

No matter how patients choose to interact with your practice, they should have a consistent experience that’s tailored to their needs.

By using omnichannel healthcare marketing strategies, you’ll be able to provide patients with the personalized care they need, no matter how they choose to interact with your practice.

8. Craft your site content around your target audience

Your website content should be crafted around your target audience. This means that you should use a language and tone that’s appropriate for your patients.

You'll want to create a blog that offers helpful insight into the answers they're seeking to help with their pain points. eBooks, case studies, and other personalized relevant content are essential for drawing in your target audience and keeping them on your site.

Your goal should be to create content that’s helpful, informative, and engaging. By doing this, you’ll be able to provide patients with the information they need to make informed decisions about their health.

9. Allowing for online appointment scheduling

One way to personalize the patient experience is by allowing for online appointment scheduling. 

This allows patients to schedule their own appointments, without having to call your practice during business hours and wait frustratingly on hold. In addition, online appointment scheduling with tools like Calendly will free up employee time, reducing burnout.

10. Changing your hours of operation

If you want to really provide personalized healthcare, you need to be flexible with your hours of operation, adjusting them based on the needs of your patients. 

For example, if you know that the majority of your patients work during the day, you might consider staying open later in the evening. Especially if you are unable to offer telehealth.

By being flexible with your hours of operation, you’ll be able to provide patients with the care they need, when they need it.

These are just a few of the many ways you can personalize your healthcare marketing strategy to bring more patients in the door. 

By hiring a fractional CMO for help personalizing your marketing, you’ll get all the benefits of hiring a full-time CMO, at a fraction of the cost. This is because we work for you on a part-time basis, so there’s no need to pay an additional employee a full-time salary plus benefits. 

Interested in learning how we can help you specifically? Book your free 45-minute marketing diagnostic consultation with Bizzuka today.