5 Ways Design can Maximize Your Product Page Conversions 

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  • 5 Ways Design can Maximize Your Product Page Conversions
August 31, 2022

Are your product pages converting well?

Chances are, they're not. 

The average ecommerce conversion rate is between 2-5%, meaning ~95% of your website visitors leave your site without buying.

This is not good!

Many factors go into making a product page convert well, and design is one of the most important. 

Here are 5 ways that you can use design to increase your product page conversion rate.

1. Be wary of your product gallery visuals

Your product gallery is one of the first things visitors see when they land on your product page, so you’ll want to make sure that it looks amazing. 

Product photos and videos should be high quality, well-lit, and showcase your product(s) being used. If you have the budget, hire a professional photographer. 

You should also be mindful of the size, color, contrast, and background of your images. For example, a white background can provide a great way to show off your products, creating a negative space that makes high-value information (such as your photos) pop.

In addition, your product gallery should be easy to navigate. Use a minimalist design and make sure that visitors can easily scroll through your photos and videos.

2. Incorporate urgency and scarcity

If you want visitors to buy your product quickly, you need to incorporate urgency and scarcity into your design. 

Urgency is a time-based factor that encourages users to buy now before the product or offer is gone. Similarly, scarcity is a supply-based factor that encourages people to take action promptly before the product is sold out.

You can use both urgency and scarcity in your product page design by doing things like including a countdown timer on your page to show how much time is left to buy the product, or highlighting that there are only a few items left in stock. 

Both urgency and scarcity are powerful motivators, so make sure to incorporate them into your product page design if you want to increase your conversion rate.

3. Add trust badges

Trust is important in any online transaction. Without it, your conversion rates will suffer as a result. 

After all, people are going to be giving you their hard-earned money in exchange for your product, so you need to show them that they can trust you.

One way to do this is by adding trust badges to your page. Trust badges are symbols that show that you're a reputable and trustworthy company. 

Some examples of trust badges include the Better Business Bureau logo and the McAfee SECURE logo. These logos will help potential buyers feel safe when purchasing from you and not have to doubt whether you'll deliver on your promises.

You can also add a trust badge that points potential buyers to free returns/shipping, money-back guarantees, transactional security, quality assurances, delivery promises, and more.

4. Add social proof

Social proof is another powerful way to increase conversion rates. After all, people are more likely to buy a product if they see that other people have bought it and liked it. 

There are a few different ways you can add social proof to your product page. 

Of course, you can start by incorporating customer reviews and testimonials. But you can also showcase how many people have bought your product. This creates a sense of popularity and makes potential customers more likely to buy your product. 

One of the best ways to use social proof is by utilizing user-generated content, such as allowing users to add images or videos to the reviews they leave on your site.

5. End with an irresistible CTA

Your product page should end with a strong and irresistible call-to-action (CTA). 

It should be clear and concise and tell visitors what you want them to do. For example, "Buy now" or "Get started for free" clearly explain to the users what you want them to do and what they should expect when clicking the button.  

You'll also want to make sure that your CTA is visible and easy to find. The best place for a call-to-action is above the fold, but far down enough to where the user has to scroll. It should also be on the right-hand side, following the "z-pattern".

When it comes to buttons, there's no need to be flashy. Your CTA should match your brand design in its color, font, contrast, and size.

Finessing the design of your product pages is one of the best ways to increase your conversion rates, and these 5 design strategies will help enhance your strategy.

When you let Bizzuka build your website, you’re putting your site in the hands of professional web marketers (not just developers) who are constantly testing and analyzing to see what works and what doesn’t. Schedule a strategy call with us today to learn more about how we can turn your website into an automated lead generating machine!