Top Web Design Trends to Look Out for in 2022 

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December 29, 2021

One of the best ways to plan for success in 2022 and beyond is by keeping up with the latest web design trends. With the new year starting in just a couple of days, now is the perfect time to start your research.

Here are some of the top web design trends to expect in 2022.

1. Circles in the center of the homepage

Circles are a web design trend that always tends to be in style, and these days, web designers are gravitating towards putting them in the center of their homepages.

The reason circles are so popular is because of their versatility. They can be used in a variety of ways and are the perfect finishing touch to almost any design–pulling all the elements together to create a solid, unified look.

Circles are also perfect for buttons, text containers, and many other elements.

2. Brighter, uplifting components

The past couple years have been dark… to say the least. That being said, we could all use a little light, which is why brighter, uplifting design components are on the rise. Cheery elements can be incorporated into your design in many ways, from bright colors and animation, to vivid imagery and scale, and even font.

Fun, cartoony design elements also never fail to lighten the mood, so don’t be afraid to experiment with these.

When it comes to web design trends, you want your site to reflect who you are as a business and what you stand for. A bright, happy website will show your visitors that you’re positive and optimistic about the future, which can encourage them to stick around and learn more about what you have to offer.

3. Vintage design elements

Vintage design is constantly going in and out of style. In 2022, it’s expected to slowly start making a comeback, and this time, with a focus on old-school print.

Next year, we can expect to start seeing more websites modeled after old magazines and newspapers. For example, beige backgrounds that look like aged paper and large headlines are becoming more common. 

These fun designs help keep visitors engaged with a vintage, yet modern and fresh look.

Now that you’re aware of the top web design trends for 2022, it’s time to start planning your website redesign. Our team at Bizzuka has performed hundreds of redesigns in our 20 years of experience, but we take a different approach than other web designers: we design with a goal of increasing your lead flow. Schedule a free 45-minute strategy session with us today to learn where your site is falling short!