Your 5-Point Checklist for Successfully Adopting Generative AI 

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  • Your 5-Point Checklist for Successfully Adopting Generative AI
June 12, 2023

Everyone is jumping on the bandwagon. You've heard the words echoing in the business community, seen them lighting up your LinkedIn feed, and felt their impact in your everyday operations. "Generative AI" - it's the buzzword of the year, the jargon that every small and medium-sized business (SMB) seems to be embracing.

But wait a minute, let's hit the pause button and take a moment to reflect. You, as an SMB owner or marketer, might have been feeling a sense of unease, a growing restlessness, as the AI landscape turns into a sprawling maze. Why?

The symptoms are clear, but often unnoticed. It's a crowded market with an overwhelming number of players. Fear of missing out (FOMO) is driving decisions, leading to rushed investments. The valuations of early-stage AI projects are skyrocketing, making you question their real value.

And here's where these symptoms can morph into larger problems. 

A hasty decision to pivot to AI might not be addressing an actual problem of your business. The solution you invest in might not meet your specific needs in terms of accuracy. You might be venturing into a domain where heavyweights like Google and Microsoft have already marked their territory. Or worse, you might be investing in an overvalued product that may not sustain its growth or retain users.

But don't let the uncertainty deter you from embracing the power of AI. We just need to navigate this terrain with the right map in hand. It's time to demystify generative AI and understand how to successfully adopt it for your business.

1. Identifying real solutions with generative AI

Okay, let's clear the fog. When it comes to generative AI, it's all about asking the right questions to distinguish between hype and solution.

First and foremost, if you took the word "AI" out of your product, would it still be solving a customer problem? See, AI is a solution, not a problem in itself. It's like a shiny new hammer you bought. But remember, not every problem is a nail.

So, start with identifying the problem, the pain point. This could be something that's slowing down your business growth, increasing your costs, or hampering your customer service. Something that keeps you up at night. And then, ask yourself:

  • What is this pain point?

  • How many of your customers share this pain?

  • Is the pain significant enough for them to take action?

  • Are the current non-AI tools falling short in addressing this pain?

Sometimes, the pain is obvious. Other times, it might need a little digging.

Think about it - if your product or service could offer a viable solution even without AI, adding AI can only make it better. But if you are merely creating an "AI product" for the sake of joining the AI bandwagon, you might be setting yourself up for a fall.

Deciphering the real solutions from the buzz can be the first step towards making a successful pivot to AI.

So, have you figured out the pain point yet? The next step awaits.

2. Accuracy vs fluency: The unspoken dilemma

The moment you have identified your customer's pain point, a new conundrum appears: How accurate does your AI solution need to be?

Imagine a grid. On one side is fluency, and on the other is accuracy. Now plot your problem on this grid. It might sound a bit daunting, but it's easier than you think. 

Let's break it down.

Generative AI, as of today, is a champion when it comes to problems that require high fluency but can tolerate low accuracy. For instance, improving productivity. If your AI tool suggests a few wrong phrases while helping you draft emails quicker, it's not a huge deal. You can edit it. The value lies in saving your time, increasing your fluency.

However, for solutions that demand high accuracy, such as financial decisions, AI might still be a learner. A tiny mistake in a financial report or an incorrect data analysis can lead to significant repercussions.

Remember, generative AI is not a one-size-fits-all solution. It is crucial to consider the nature of your problem and the accuracy level it demands before implementing an AI solution. Overlooking this can lead to incorrect applications, wasted resources, and unmet expectations.

Is your problem plotted on the grid? Great! We're ready to pick up the pace.

3. Understanding the pace of AI adoption

With the pain point identified and the accuracy level defined, you might feel ready to plunge into the AI pool. But wait, have you checked who's swimming in the deep end?

One crucial aspect often overlooked is the pace of AI adoption by the incumbents. Giants like Microsoft, Google, and Adobe have moved incredibly fast on AI. They have vast resources, global reach, and an army of talented developers. If your AI solution overlaps with their core offerings, you could find yourself in choppy waters.

Let's take the example of AI presentation startups. To thrive in this space, their AI solution needs to be significantly better than the AI already embedded in PowerPoint by Microsoft. Just being slightly better might not cut it when you're competing with established players.

It doesn't mean you can't enter a space where the incumbents are present. It simply means that you need to be acutely aware of their pace and direction. After all, even in a race with giants, there are always niches to fill and unique customer needs to serve.

4. The importance of a robust moat

With a clear problem, defined accuracy needs, and an understanding of the incumbent's pace, you're not just dipping your toes in the AI waters anymore - you're learning to swim. But, to stay afloat in the long run, you need to build a robust moat around your solution.

A moat, in the business sense, is what sets you apart, keeps competition at bay, and provides you with a competitive advantage. When it comes to AI, examples of moats can include:

  • Access to proprietary data and models: Your unique data can help in creating more tailored AI models that can't be replicated easily.

  • Exclusive contracts with large customers: Such contracts can ensure a steady revenue stream and act as a testimonial to other potential clients.

  • Great product even without AI: A good product can win customers even without AI. Add AI to it, and you've got a winning combination.

  • Exceptional talent in the selected field: Having an expert team can make your AI solution more reliable and effective.

  • Business models that incumbents avoid: Sometimes, entering a niche that big players avoid can provide you with an unexplored market.

  • And lastly, speed. The pace at which you adapt and innovate can leave even bigger players behind.

Building a solid moat ensures that your AI solution doesn't just ride the initial wave of enthusiasm but also sustains when the tide turns. It gives you a defense mechanism against competitive forces.

Now that your fortress is taking shape, it's time to view the entire landscape from the tower.

5. Evaluating AI valuation

Standing in your fortress with a clear view of the landscape, you're almost there. But there's one final thing that needs your attention before you set sail - valuation.

In the bustling AI market, it's easy to get carried away by flashy numbers. An AI product with a valuation of $100M+ might seem appealing at first glance, but it's essential to see beyond these numbers.

Ask yourself - Can this product continue to grow and, more importantly, retain its users? In crowded domains like AI copywriting and productivity, that can be a tough nut to crack. It's not just about gaining new users; it's about keeping them hooked and satisfied.

If an AI product's valuation seems sky-high, it's worth scrutinizing. Does it have a substantial user base? Is it solving a significant problem? Does it have a competitive edge? If the answers to these questions are uncertain, it might be an overvalued proposition.

Seeing beyond the numbers can help you avoid investing in overvalued products and instead focus on solutions that offer real value and potential growth.

With your eyes trained to see beyond the hype and buzz, you are now ready to successfully navigate the exciting world of generative AI.

So, what's the next step in your AI journey?

Navigating the AI labyrinth with a compass in hand

We've come a long way in our journey through the AI maze. From recognizing the symptoms of AI frenzy to understanding the pillars of a successful AI adoption, we've navigated some challenging terrains.

Remember, generative AI is not about jumping on the bandwagon but understanding its relevance and value for your business. Identifying real solutions, determining the right level of accuracy, keeping an eye on the pace of incumbents, building a robust moat, and seeing beyond flashy valuations are your checkpoints to a successful pivot to AI.

With this map in your hand, you're not just wandering in the AI abyss; you're exploring it with purpose and direction. The exciting world of AI awaits, ready to offer innovative solutions to your business challenges and unlock unprecedented growth opportunities.

Now that you're equipped with a deeper understanding and a robust framework, it's time to bring AI into your marketing strategy. But you don't have to go at it alone.

We at Bizzuka have helped numerous businesses unlock their potential with AI and we'd love to do the same for you. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up your current AI strategy, we're here to guide you. Schedule a free marketing diagnostic call with us today to learn how we can help.