4 Successful Hospitals Doing Digital Marketing 

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July 14, 2021

If there’s one industry that’ll never go out of business, it’s healthcare.

But that doesn’t mean hospitals have room for slack in the marketing department. 

With so much competition, it’s important to have a robust marketing plan in place in order to attract patients and gain their trust. 

Not sure where to start?

Follow the examples set by these 4 hospitals:

1. Mayo Clinic

Mayo Clinic was one of the first health systems to hop on the digital marketing train. As a matter of fact, their domain name was registered back in 1997.

Building trust

When you read the words “Mayo Clinic” online, chances are that you automatically trust the article you’re reading even if you’ve never been a patient of theirs. 

This is because of the good rapport they’ve built through their marketing.

The key to hospital marketing is targeting patients in their specific moment of need and meeting them where they are. 

One of the main reasons why Mayo Clinic’s strategy is so successful is because they have a massive library of online content that helps them make early connections with their patients.

Putting followers first

The Mayo Clinic has over 1,197,574 likes on Facebook and 2 million followers on Twitter. This is because of the way they empower their social media followers to become better advocates for their health.

Rather than promoting themselves on social media, Mayo Clinic focuses on its followers by answering their questions, sharing their stories, and raising health awareness. They use their platforms to have a conversation, not promote.

Integrating different marketing strategies

Take a second to analyze Mayo Clinic’s marketing, and you’ll have a hard time figuring out where one campaign starts and another ends. 

This is deliberate.

Mayo Clinic integrates all of their different marketing tactics. For example, rather than writing an article about breast cancer and calling it a day, they take that blog post and share it across their social media channels. Occasionally, they’ll connect this blog post to a patient experience or create a YouTube video about it to expand their reach.

Pulling all these different platforms and channels together while marketing will help you broaden your audience of potential customers. Each platform supports the others and creates a foundation for stronger connections.

2. New York Presbyterian Hospital

The New York Presbyterian Hospital is famous for its patient stories and ability to use storytelling to enhance its brand identity. 

Sharing patient stories

The reason they’re so successful with their marketing strategy is because potential patients love to hear the success stories of previous patients. This helps them emotionally connect and hear firsthand what it’s like to be a patient of yours.

Video marketing

New York Presbyterian Hospital’s patient stories are shared using video marketing, which is much easier to capture peoples’ attention and help them relate than text. Check out some of New York Presbyterian Hospital’s patient story videos here.

3. Cleveland Clinic

You thought Mayo Clinic had an impressive following?

The Cleveland Clinic has an astounding 2,027,174 million likes on Facebook and 1.9 million followers on Twitter–and for good reason.

Cleveland Clinic is always looking to better understand their patient journey, improve their customer experience and engagement, promote wellness, and embrace new digital technology. Their mastery of these things is what’s given them such a strong reputation and following.  

They’re even getting involved with voice-activated content by creating a Wellness Tip of the Day App on Alexa that delivers valuable health information to users.

Even during COVID, Cleveland Clinic was able to study their patients’ needs and concerns and launch a successful ad campaign titled “For Every Care in the World”. This campaign aimed to showcase the empathy and authenticity behind their patient experience, as well as display their full spectrum of care.

4. West Feliciana Parish Hospital

West Feliciana Parish Hospital, while smaller than the aforementioned massive health systems, has a marketing strategy that packs a punch.

Located in St. Francisville, LA, this rural hospital boasts a wide range of services, online bill-pay, and online appointment scheduling to enhance their customer experience.

Their blog consists of lots of helpful content and stories from previous patients, and they post several times a week on social media.

West Feliciana Parish Hospital also utilizes on and off-page SEO to help them rank #1 in Google for relevant keywords in their area and industry.

Want to learn more about how Internet marketing can help your hospital make next year’s list of successful hospitals? Schedule a strategy call with Bizzuka today, and we’ll help you gain clarity on what tactics you need to bring in more patients.