Top 4 Online Marketing Tools to Increase Your Lead Generation 

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  • Top 4 Online Marketing Tools to Increase Your Lead Generation
July 21, 2021

Online lead generation is no simple feat. 

With so many businesses all competing in the same arena for attention, the content marketing space gets more crowded every day.

That being said, it’s time to channel your energy into creating more captivating offers, bringing in relevant and valuable traffic, and optimizing your lead generation pathways.

These 4 online marketing tools will help you do just that.

1. Drip

Drip is a powerful email automation tool that allows you to create an offer and a series of emails for your readers to receive. We use this tool here at Bizzuka to create effective email marketing campaigns for our clients. 

Some of the greatest advantages of Drip include the ability to:

  • Set up list segmentation.
  • Create offers and a series of emails for your readers.
  • Completely customize your campaigns with a number of templates available.

2. HotJar

HotJar is another powerful tool that we use here at Bizzuka to convert leads into customers. This tool has an intuitive interface that makes it easy to identify which parts of your website are performing the best.

HotJar offers realtime heat mapping and survey capabilities to help you better understand your audience’s behavior on your website. It shows you the exact paths your visitors take and where they spend the most time. HotJar also offers scroll tracking, form analytics, user recordings, and more. 

3. Hello Bar

Hello Bar is a lead capture and CTA tool that can be used to create pop-ups, blog highlights, and email marketing campaigns. This tool encourages site visitors to subscribe to your website’s newsletter or download a whitepaper by adding a banner across the top of your website with a specific CTA. It also allows you to track your pop-up conversion rates.

4. OptinMonster

OptinMonster helps marketers reach more customers with eye-catching popups. If you’re not getting the leads you need, this is a great tool to consider. It’s easy to install and use, and it comes with lots of features. OptinMonster also has flexible form layouts and powerful A/B testing capabilities.

It comes with plenty of pop-up templates that are easy to integrate with your site. And if you need help using OptinMonster, their customer service is top notch–they respond promptly to any questions or concerns you have.

Tired of funneling money into a failing marketing strategy and ready to start generating more targeted leads (without paying for 4 separate tools)? Schedule a strategy session with Bizzuka today, and we’ll help you plug the holes in your leaking marketing strategy!