5 Ways Medical Providers Can Work to Make the Healthcare System Better 

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  • 5 Ways Medical Providers Can Work to Make the Healthcare System Better
November 15, 2022

The healthcare system in the United States is far from perfect, and it's gotten even messier since the pandemic started.

Many people believe that the healthcare system is broken, and that it’s time for reform. The reality is that there are a lot of things that medical providers can do to improve it themselves. 

Here are 5 ways medical providers can work to make the healthcare system better.

1. Utilize payment innovation

Payment innovation is one way that medical providers can work to make the healthcare system better. The best payment model gives control and decision making back to the provider, reflecting trust in how they do their jobs and the ability to freely interact with patients how they deem appropriate.

It's also time to get rid of the strict documentation requirements that add no value to you or your patients. Intricately detailed checklists aren't always needed to provide good care. PCPs still need to be held accountable of course, just in more efficient ways than justifying every move they made for every patient. Every healthcare provider should be allowed some risk and the funds needed to manage said risk.

2. Make your practice more personable and less corporate

One of the major complaints about the healthcare system is that it is too impersonal and cold. Patients often feel like they are just a number, and that their care is not tailored to their individual needs. Making your practice more personable and less corporate can help build trust with patients and make them feel heard.

3. Change the way you treat your employees

Employee satisfaction is a big issue in the healthcare industry. When your employees are burned out or unhappy with their jobs, your patients suffer as a result.

Not to mention, high turnover rates are costly and can also lead to a decline in patient care quality. 

This is not something that will go away on its own. 

It starts with making your employees feel valued, appreciated, and supported. This goes beyond compensation. You need to be viewing them as the individuals that they are--unique wants, needs, and all. 

4. Develop a team of different skill levels

Having an interdisciplinary team of different skill levels can help improve the quality of care you're able to provide. Nurses, for example, can provide a lot of support and assistance to doctors. Social workers can help patients with their mental health and navigate the complex healthcare system. Pharmacists can help to ensure that patients are taking their medications correctly.

All of these unique moving parts will help your patients get 360° care in every area of their health–all in the same place.

5. Put an increased value on patient choice

Patient choice is another area where the healthcare system could use some improvement. Currently, patients often have very little say in their care. Their options depend on available transportation, insurance, finances, as well as doctor and hour availability.

Sending regular feedback forms and surveys to your patients is one of the best ways to gauge what choices they wish to have, what their needs are, and how you can best meet them.

There are many other ways that medical providers can work to make the healthcare system better. But these are five of the most important ways. If more medical providers would focus on these areas, it would go a long way toward making the healthcare system better for everyone involved.

Not sure where to start when implementing these changes? Enlist the help of a fractional CMO. At Bizzuka, our fractional CMOs specialize in serving small to mid-market businesses, with the knowledge and expertise needed to help you make these changes in your own practice. Schedule a free marketing diagnostic consultation with us today to learn where you may be falling short.