4 Tips for Getting Started with Email Marketing 

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March 10, 2022

Email marketing can be one of the most powerful tools a business has in its marketing arsenal. It allows you to communicate with your customers and followers on a regular basis, building trust and loyalty over time. 

Getting started with email marketing can be a complicated and grueling task, but it doesn’t have to be.

These four tips will help you get off on the right foot:

1. Set up an email address using your domain

One of the most important factors to note when getting started with email marketing is that you should never use a free email address, like @yahoo or @gmail, to connect with your subscribers. These email addresses are likely to trigger spam filters when sent out in mass quantities.

Fortunately, you can purchase your own custom email address from the same provider that you purchased your web hosting or domain from. And if you don’t have a website, you can still buy a functional custom email address.

2. Pick a good email service provider 

After you’ve bought a custom email address, it’s time to choose a good email service provider (ESP). This is the company that will host your email list and send out your emails for you. There are many ESPs to choose from, so do your research and find one that fits your needs.

Some key factors to look for in an ESP include:

  • The ability to create sign-up forms,
  • Good reviews,
  • A wide range of templates to choose from
  • The ability to track how many people open and click through your emails
  • Good customer service, and
  • Affordable pricing.

ESPs like Drip and Constant Contact are two of the most popular options and offer all of these features and then some. Once you’ve chosen an ESP, it’s time to start building out your strategy.

3. Create a place for people to subscribe

This can be either a landing page or a simple form created through your ESP. 

If you choose a form, make sure it asks for a name and email address, as well as any other pertinent information you may need like phone numbers or company names. It should have as few fields as possible, because your subscribers won’t want to spend more than a few seconds subscribing to a newsletter. Your form should also be easy to locate on your website and have a visually appealing design. 

Landing pages direct visitors to take a singular action. The goal is to help them stay focused, with little distraction from buttons and links. If you’d prefer to build your email list using a landing page, services like LeadPages make it easy to create beautiful, effective pages without having to know how to code.

You can also offer incentives like free ebooks, discounts, or monthly giveaways in exchange for email addresses to help grow your list. 

Whichever method you use to build your email list, make sure your call to action is more inviting than simply “sign up for my free email list”. As humans, we’re value-seekers. We need an incentive to sign up for anything. This is where the next tip comes in.

4. Send valuable content

“Get updates and special offers,” or “Sign up for free tips and tools” are a few examples of what you can include in your CTA to make it more value-oriented.

Your email list subscribers are entrusting you with their personal information, so it’s important that you give them something valuable in return. This could be anything from weekly tips and advice, to exclusive coupons and discounts, or early access to new products or services. 

The content you send out should be well-written and engaging, with a focus on providing value to your subscribers. If you’re unsure what kind of content to send, subscribe to your competitors’ newsletters and take a look at what they’re doing.

Sending out regular emails is essential to keeping your list engaged, but make sure not to bombard them with too much content at once. Try sending an email every other day, or twice a week at most. Test out different frequencies to see what works best for you.

Now that you know the basics of getting started with email marketing, it’s time to jump into action. For personalized help getting started with email marketing, schedule a free strategy call with Bizzuka. We’ll run through your current strategy and help you understand where you may be falling short.