How to Get Started Using Video Marketing to Increase Conversions 

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  • How to Get Started Using Video Marketing to Increase Conversions
September 15, 2021

In unprecedented times like these, everyone’s attention span is suffering. 

Your ideal customers don’t have the time or energy to sit around and read anymore.

Fortunately, video marketing is the solution to not only capturing their attention, but also increasing your conversions.

With social media platforms like Facebook and YouTube making it easier than ever to create and share videos, marketers are jumping on the opportunity to incorporate video marketing into their strategies. 

So, how do you use video to increase your conversions?

These 8 tips will help you get started.

1. Include videos on your home and about pages

Because videos are such a great way of capturing attention, this will be the first thing you want your visitors to see when they hit your website. Strategically sprinkle videos throughout your site–ideally on your home and about pages.

Not only will this help build trust and credibility, but it also keeps visitors on your site longer than they would be otherwise. By adding a quick clip that explains exactly what you do and why it’s important to your site, visitors will be much more intrigued.

2. Create a “how it works” video

If someone doesn’t understand how something works, don’t make them guess! A quick clip can easily explain your unique processes and make your visitors feel more confident about making a purchase.

If you’re selling products that have a lot of different uses or applications, consider creating short video tutorials for each one. This will help visitors find exactly what they need, answer some of your customers’ questions, and provide useful information for those who are interested in learning more about your business.

3. Share testimonials on video

Testimonials are one of the best ways to show potential customers what you’re all about. An effective way to introduce some of your past clients’ reviews is by including them as part of a video. This personalizes your brand, helps build trust with potential customers who are still on the fence about making a purchase, and helps your current clients feel important and involved. By offering to include a link to their business in their testimonial, you’re also offering them free exposure.

4. Keep videos short and sweet

If you’re not sure how long a video should be, remember that shorter is always better. The last thing you want to do is bore someone who’s just looking for some quick information about your business! Try keeping each one under three minutes if possible.

There’s no need for an epic movie-length commercial on your website. Make sure the content is compelling, but short enough that people who are just browsing won’t be overwhelmed by it. 

5. Use videos on social media

While you may want to save your most valuable videos for your website, don’t forget that they can also be shared on social media. Posting a couple of times per week is usually enough to get your content out there without being annoying.

If you want to make sure your videos are seen by the largest possible audience, post them in LinkedIn or Facebook groups that are relevant to your industry or niche. This can help build buzz and get people talking about what you’re doing on a regular basis.

6. Ask for feedback

If you’re serious about getting the most out of your video marketing efforts, ask for feedback! Reach out to your social media audience about what kinds of videos they’d like to see. This way, you’ll know exactly where to focus your efforts to get the best results.

7. Don’t just post any old video–keep it interesting

Just because you have access to video editing software doesn’t mean that just any old stock clip will do. Make sure the content you post has enough meaning and value before posting it on your site or social media accounts; otherwise people won’t watch it. Your content should be real, showcasing your workplace and employees.

No matter how good of an idea you think a video is, if people find it boring or uninteresting, they won’t watch it. To make sure this doesn’t happen to you while putting your videos together, consider using humor and adding a bit of personality flare.

8. Don’t forget to optimize

While you don’t need to go overboard with keywords and metadata, make sure you use both of these optimizing elements while creating videos or uploading them onto different accounts. This will help your ideal audience find you better because it will allow you to rank higher in search results.

Video marketing builds more trust and credibility than any other medium. Boosting the amount of videos on your site will help you gain an edge over competitors in search rankings, which will lead to higher conversions over time. For more tips on marketing and increasing conversions, head to the Bizzuka blog!