Your Guide to Promoting Videos and Blogs on LinkedIn 

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  • Your Guide to Promoting Videos and Blogs on LinkedIn
September 21, 2021

What’s the point of creating content if no one is seeing it?

This is one of the biggest problems that businesses run into when trying to market themselves on their own.

You can create all the videos and blog posts that you want, but if you don’t have the proper strategy in place to promote that content, you’re wasting precious time and money.

If you’re a B2B business owner, LinkedIn is an optimal place to promote your content.

This platform offers several ways for you to push your videos and blog posts to other business owners and increase your content’s engagement. Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to promote your content on LinkedIn.

1. Sponsored updates 

Using LinkedIn’s sponsored updates is a great way to ensure that your content reaches as many relevant people as possible. 

Like any other paid ad, you can target very specific demographics (e.g., employees of a certain company or people with certain job titles). Sponsored updates are the only way to reach mobile users at scale and will be displayed in the feed of your desired audience on their smartphones, tablets, or desktops.

2. Posting in groups

Another key way to promote your videos and blog posts on LinkedIn is by posting in groups that are relevant to your industry.

If there isn’t one for your industry, create one! LinkedIn allows group owners to create a maximum of five sponsored updates per week, so this will really give you an opportunity to get your content out there. 

When posting in someone else’s group, remember not only to mention the name of your company, but also to include a link that directs people back to your site or YouTube channel.

This will ensure that you are both gaining exposure for yourself and giving your audience an opportunity to find out more about what you’re offering.

Make sure that when you create one of these posts, you give members a reason to interact with it, so it has a better chance of being seen. For example, you could pose a question that encourages discussion, or you could provide links to other articles on your website that are relevant to the subject matter.

As always, when you post anything, make sure it’s engaging and contains valuable information for people to read. 

3. Leaving comments

One of the easiest ways to promote your content on LinkedIn can be incorporated into your daily scrolling–leaving comments. As you make your way down your newsfeed, be on the lookout for anything that might be relevant to what you do.

If you see something that catches your eye, leave a comment! Link back to any recent videos or blog posts that you’ve created on the topic, along with a quick blurb that entices readers to check out your similar content.  

If anyone responds to your comment, be sure to reply back and answer any questions they may have. This is a great way to increase engagement and brand awareness, as well as build relationships. 

4. Sending connection requests

Another way to promote your content on LinkedIn is through connection requests.

When you send these requests, it’s important that you’re not doing so too frequently or in a spam-like fashion because this can hurt the professional image of your company and turn people away from wanting to work with you.

Start by sending connection requests once a month. This will ensure that your company doesn’t seem too pushy. In these connection requests, include a video or recent blog post as a “free tidbit” to share with them. Of course, it will need to be relevant to their industry and occupation. 

For example, if you sell COVID safety supplies to schools, send a connection request to school board personnel saying something along the lines of, “I know you’re super busy with the fall semester starting up, but I just wanted to send along this article on 5 ways to keep your school safe during the pandemic. Thought it might help! Be safe – [insert name here]”.

5. Using hashtags

Hashtags are a great categorizing mechanism. If you want your post to be shown when people are searching for COVID-related topics, then you should add the hashtag “#COVID” to your post(s). This will help boost its visibility outside of your followers and get people interested in sharing it with their LinkedIn network. 

While hashtags on LinkedIn might not be as popular as those that you use on other social media sites, they can still be beneficial to your brand. They can also be used when you’re commenting on posts to give your input more visibility.

Running a successful social media campaign on LinkedIn requires lots of patience and marketing knowledge. Leave it to the professionals at Bizzuka to help you manage your social media and generate more leads. Schedule a free strategy session with us today for expert advice on getting started with your LinkedIn campaign!