Creating a Foolproof SEO Strategy to Help You Generate More Leads in 2022 

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December 1, 2021

Every year, it’s important to do an audit of your SEO strategy and make adjustments for the new year. In 2022, there are 4 specific facets of your strategy you should be looking at when creating your new SEO plan.

We’ve outlined these pillars below with some helpful tips on how to utilize them to generate more leads.

1. On-site SEO

Identifying the keywords your audience is looking for is one of the first things you’ll want to nail down before doing any other type of SEO work. Tools like Google Ads Keyword Planner and AHREFS are extremely helpful when it comes to getting an idea of what your ideal customer is searching for.

Once you have an idea of which keywords to target, make sure that your site is optimized for them. These keywords should be found in your titles, body copy, and even image alt tags. 

Your site should be optimized at both the individual page level and as a whole, focusing on the following areas:

  • Descriptive URLs- make sure each of your permalinks is simple yet descriptive –preferably without numbers
  • Structured data mark-up
  • Content optimization
  • Keyword research
  • Good user experience consisting of a site that’s simple and easy to navigate
  • Meta titles and descriptions
  • Strong calls to action that get users to take your desired action

2. Off-site SEO (linkbuilding)

External backlinks are essential to building a good SEO strategy. When other websites link to your content, it tells Google that your site is authoritative and relevant. This will help you rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

There are a few things you can do to increase the number of external backlinks to your website, such as submitting articles to high-quality publications related to your industry or participating in linkbuilding campaigns. 

Guides, list posts, and visual components are some of the best types of content to use in your linkbuilding strategy. 

Guides are the ultimate resource to help your readers understand everything there is to know about a certain topic. List posts, on the other hand, consist of bulleted or numbered lists made up of easily digestible information such as techniques, myths, and tips. Visual components like infographics, charts, and videos are perfect for today’s user with such a short attention span.

3. Technical SEO

Google must be able to index and crawl your site in order to explore your site as a whole and return the correct pages.

The best way to get on Google’s good side is by making sure your site is using a CMS or technology that’s search-engine friendly. You’ll also want to ensure that your content is strategically structured and that it loads fast enough to keep your users’ attention. On top of that, of course, it will need to be mobile-responsive.

If there are any technical issues with your site that prevent Google from crawling or indexing its pages, you will be penalized.

4. Content marketing

Your content must be both educating and valuable to users. It should position you as the expert, describing what you do, who you do it for, and how you solve their unique problems.

The more educational and actionable your content is, the better it will rank in search results. 

If you’re creating new pieces of content regularly, make sure they’re optimized for specific keywords and include backlinks to other relevant blog posts or products on your site.

This way, when people find one piece of content about a topic related to your business, they will be able to explore more of what you have to offer.

Make 2022 your most profitable yet with the right SEO strategy. SEO targets quality traffic, increases your organic ranking so you don’t have to pay for ads, and helps you easily move ahead of the competition. For help creating your SEO strategy, schedule a free strategy call with Bizzuka.