The Best Conversion Tools to Add to Your Marketing Strategy 

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December 3, 2021

There are many tools on the market designed to help you with your conversion strategy, but which conversion tools are best?

At Bizzuka, some of our favorites conversion tools include: alert bars, exit pop-ups, and landing pages.

Let’s dive into each.

Alert bars

An alert bar, otherwise known as a hello or sticky bar, is a great and non-intrusive way to grab your users’ attention and promote a special offer or coupon. These bars can appear at the top or bottom of any specific page on your site. They’re extremely effective when used correctly and can help boost your sales.

You need to be careful when designing your alert bar, however. They should really only contain one or two important pieces of information in order to not take away from your page’s overall aesthetic appeal. The main call-to-action button needs to be easy to see and click on, and it should also lead to a landing page that’s been specifically designed for the offer you’re promoting.

Landing pages

A landing page is a dedicated webpage that people land on when they click through to your site from another website, email, or specific CTA on your page.

Some examples include: thank you pages, upsell pages, sales pages, promo pages, and webinar pages.

Landing pages can be used to collect leads, help you sell a product or service, and give you more space to explain your offer. They typically don’t have a navigation column or panel, which gives you more room to fill up the page with videos, images, and other copy.

They’re a great way to increase your conversion rate because they’re so focused on getting people to take a specific action. And just like your alert bar, the design and layout of your landing page is crucial in order for it to be effective.

Exit pop-ups

An exit popup is a great way to get people back on your site. As soon as your user’s mouse is tracked heading towards the exit button, it will prompt them for more information if they’re leaving without converting, or it can entice them with an offer that will expire in one minute (or whatever time frame you decide) if they’re not interested. This works especially well when paired with an alert bar.

Not all pop-ups have to appear on exit, however. You can also create time-released pop-ups that will display over your site after a certain amount of time has passed. According to Leadpages, pop-ups can improve your opt-in rates by 30% compared to inline forms.

We recommend implementing as many of these conversion tools as possible and testing to see which ones work for you. You might be surprised by what works for you and what doesn’t. For more help with lead generation, schedule a free 45-minute strategy session with Bizzuka today!