The Difference Between Content Marketing and Copywriting 

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April 25, 2022

If you’re thinking about ramping up your marketing messaging, one of the most important things you’ll want to understand is the difference between content marketing and copywriting.

Contrary to popular belief, these terms are not synonymous.

Let’s take a look at the key differences between the two.

Content marketing

Content marketing is a strategic approach to creating and distributing free, valuable, relevant, and consistent content with the goal of attracting and converting prospects into customers and repeat buyers.

This can include anything from email autoresponders, to blogs, and even podcasts.


Copywriting, on the other hand, is the art and science of persuasively selling ideas through written words. Copywriters are often responsible for creating marketing collateral, such as landing pages, email campaigns, and ads. 

The purpose of copywriting is to lead your readers to take a specific action, whether that be subscribing to your newsletter, downloading your lead magnet, or making a purchase.

How they tie into each other

Copywriting is a key ingredient to good content. 

Ineffective copywriting may be the reason why your blog isn’t getting as much traffic as you’d like. For example, your headlines might not be optimized for search. Or maybe you haven’t included any social proof–this is vital to gaining trust from your audience. 

While both disciplines share some commonalities, there are key differences that set them apart. Content marketing is focused on building relationships with customers by creating valuable content, whereas copywriting is focused on persuading readers to take action.

Understanding the differences between these two terms is important for any business that wants to create a successful marketing strategy. When you start incorporating copywriting techniques into your blog, you’ll draw in more readers who will start taking your desired actions. 

By understanding the goals and objectives of each practice, you can create more targeted and effective marketing campaigns that will help you achieve your business goals. For help creating valuable content that attracts high-quality leads, schedule a free strategy call with Bizzuka today!