Everything You Need to Know About Retargeting 

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July 2, 2021

Did you know that only 4% of visitors that come to your website are ready to buy?

96% of your traffic is essentially going to waste–that’s a frightening statistic.

There’s nothing more frustrating than seeing abandoned shopping carts on your website and not knowing whether the customer changed their mind or simply got distracted.  

Fortunately, there’s a way to get these visitors to return to your site and buy.

Understanding retargeting

Have you ever browsed for shoes online and noticed ads popping up for those same shoes a few hours later? 

Contrary to popular belief, it’s not the government spying on you–it’s an ad strategy called retargeting.

Retargeting allows you to stay at the forefront of your visitors’ minds. It’s your second chance to persuade that 96% that your product/service is the solution to their pain.

How it works

Retargeting campaigns are used to target particular people with particular display ads that will convince them to buy your product or service. The reason these ads work is because they enable you to show site visitors who’ve already expressed an interest in your product/service a specific, personalized ad.

These ads will remind visitors who jumped ship about your products/services in general or that they forgot to complete the checkout process on your site.

There are 2 ways to set up retargeting ads:

Using lists

If you have a list of existing customers and their email addresses, you can upload this into your desired ad platform (e.g., Google or Facebook) and retarget them with specific ads. You can also use this list to send direct emails convincing your customers to revisit the offer on your site that they were previously interested in. 

Retargeting pixels

Retargeting pixels are the most common way to set up these ads. The setup process involves JavaScript code (the “pixel”) and may sound a bit intimidating, but don’t let it overwhelm you.

Each platform will walk you through the pixel setup process with detailed instructions. This code is used to slip an anonymous cookie into the browser of each person that visits your site or landing page. When the user leaves, the pixel will then start serving them your ads.   

Setting goals

When it comes to setting a goal for your remarketing campaign, you have two choices:

Creating a conversion-focused goal

Conversion campaigns are meant for targeting users who are already acquainted with your products or services. You will want these users to buckle down and commit to your offer by clicking on your ad and converting. 

Raising awareness

If you’re simply looking to inform visitors about different product features and other announcements, you should set an awareness goal. This will be much less targeted than a conversion-focused goal because it’s directed towards users who are less familiar with your company.

Optimizing your retargeting ads

The most effective retargeting ads will use relevant images and copy that grab the user’s attention.

You’ll want to create different ads for each audience group/persona you create and include:

  • Eye-catching media- Including a gif or even just a static image in your ad can make a world of a difference–as long as it’s relevant to the copy.

  • A captivating headline- Second to the media, your headline is often one of the first things a potential customer sees. It’s absolutely vital that your headline is captivating enough to draw someone in and make them convert.

  • Engaging copy- Because retargeting ads are display ads, they usually don’t consist of much text. The few words they do include, however, should be short, to the point, and engaging.

  • A clear CTA- Your call-to-action should be a contrasting color from the rest of your ad and include a clear action statement that lets users know exactly what will happen when they click the button. This link should be to a landing page or form where you provide the visitor with something valuable in exchange for their email address or contact information. Your CTA should never link to your homepage. 

Retargeting is the key to increasing conversions. Leave it to the marketing professionals at Bizzuka to set up your ad campaigns. Our experienced marketers are highly gifted in creating ads that convert–without costing you a fortune. Schedule a free strategy session with us today for help creating ads.