Why Facebook & Instagram Ads are Vital to Healthcare Marketing 

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  • Why Facebook & Instagram Ads are Vital to Healthcare Marketing
December 5, 2022

One of the top questions plaguing the healthcare industry today is:

Is it worth it to invest in Facebook or Instagram ads?

In short, the answer is yes.

Here's why.

The gold mine behind social media advertising

Facebook ads offer a wealth of opportunities. With over 1.9 billion daily active users, Facebook allows you to connect with new audiences, improve your bottom line, and increase conversions and awareness.

Instagram also has a large audience of daily users, with 500 million browsing Instagram stories every day. 

Using both of these platforms is a great way to reach nearly any target audience--especially in healthcare. With that in mind, you need to be on social media too.

In fact, social media ads have a higher ROI, click-through, and conversion rate than any other type of advertising in this industry. 

To put things into perspective, most industries have an average CTR of 0.90%. Instagram ads offer an average of 0.98%, with Facebook closely following at 0.83%. The average ad conversion rate for other industries is 1.08%, and Facebook's conversion rate average comes in at a whopping 11%.

Social media and the web are being used for personal healthcare research

When you have a question about symptoms or healthcare, where do you go first? 

Chances are, before calling your doctor and spending money on an appointment, you google it or head to social media for answers. 

That being said, it’s vital for marketers to ensure their brand is visible and accessible on social media. Ads can appear in front of potential customers, increasing the likelihood of conversions and providing valuable information to those who are seeking it.

Facebook and Instagram ads are influential at all stages of the healthcare funnel. Whether you're wanting to target someone who is just becoming curious about their symptoms and looking for a solution, or help someone who's already been diagnosed and is seeking out alternative treatment options, social media ads are a great way to target potential patients at any stage in their journey.

But what about HIPAA?

Many healthcare organizations are reluctant to use social media due to concerns about HIPAA compliance. After all, posting ads or content on social media can open you up to potential violations. 

In order to remain HIPAA-compliant, avoid positing the following:

  • Photos with visible PHI

  • Any patient information, such as name or email

  • Personal details linked to a patient's health condition

  • Photos of patients' medical documents

Simple enough, right?

If you're still feeling a bit uneasy about your healthcare marketing strategy, you’re not the only one. In fact, our OPTICS Academy is full of like-minded professionals just like you who are looking for guidance and community in the healthcare space. 

When you sign up for our January 2023 cohort, you’ll gain access to our step-by-step video training on our proven marketing framework, access to our online community of professionals in your industry who are implementing our framework, and weekly coaching calls to help make sure you’re on the right track. Apply today to get started!