How to Get Your LinkedIn Profile to Rank 

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June 11, 2021

Did you know that LinkedIn is one of the top 5 sites that are regularly indexed by Google?

This makes optimizing your profile all the more important. 

These days, most business owners have a LinkedIn profile; however, many of them do not have their profiles optimized for search.

Without the right enhancements, your profile will fall through the cracks, and potential customers and partners will never find you. Here’s what you need to do to get your LinkedIn page to rank.

1. Add keywords to your profile

If you’ve had any briefing on marketing, you know that keywords are critical when it comes to getting your content ranked and driving traffic. 

The same applies to your LinkedIn profile.

Always make sure to include the keyword that people will use to search for your products or services in your job title and description. For example, as a copywriter, I’d include “copywriting expert” in my LinkedIn job title and “copywriting services” in my description because my clients will search for “copywriting” or “copywriting services”.

Keywords should also be used in your experience section, but don’t overdo it. Keep it natural. “Keyword stuffing” can actually get you punished by Google. 

2. Use hashtags

After you’ve added all the keywords you want to rank for, add a hashtag in front of them.

Social media hashtags are used to add tags to your content, allowing readers to find your posts when they search for your particular tag. For example, when we publish this blog post on social media, we’ll be sure to include the hashtags “#linkedin” and “#socialmedia”. 

Almost every social media platform utilizes hashtags as a search feature. LinkedIn even offers suggested hashtags for people who are just starting out. 

All you need to do is add a “#” in front of the most important keywords in your posts, and voila! You’ve now made yourself more discoverable. 

3. Add links

Adding a link to your website on your LinkedIn profile is one of the most important steps when it comes to optimization. You will also want to create backlinks to your LinkedIn profile, meaning you should include a link back to your profile from your website or blog.

Having each link technically “vouch” for the other shows that they’re credible and will boost your authority with Google. You’ll also want to look for opportunities to link back to your profile from guest posts on other businesses’ blogs. Fortunately, most guest posts include a link to the author anyway.

These links will help your profile rank higher in Google, therefore generating more activity and lead potential. The more interaction, the higher your profile score.

4. Create articles and posts

Content marketing is one of the best ways to add an SEO touch to your LinkedIn profile. You will greatly increase your credibility by creating articles and posts that are relevant to your niche and sharing them for your followers to read.

Make sure to avoid duplicate content when publishing an article to LinkedIn–Google does not like this. If there’s a blog post from your website that you’d like to share on social media, simply share the link and a brief synopsis. Do not copy and paste the entire post on LinkedIn.

Case studies, videos, quick tips, instructional posts, and lists are all good content ideas for LinkedIn. 

5. Grow your network

One of the main ingredients in your LinkedIn search engine ranking is the number of connections you have. That being said, you should try to connect with as many real and relevant people as possible. 

Add people who are at least in your second or third network. If you get a connection request from someone random, give their profile a look to see if they’re a good fit for your content.

6. Get involved in groups

LinkedIn was made for socializing. One of the best ways to perfect your craft and connect with the right people is by joining groups. Not only will this help you boost your personal brand, but you’ll be able to partake in discussions that you’re passionate about as well. 

Feel free to share content that you’ve created in these groups, as this will bring people back to your site. By participating in these conversations, you’ll be seen as a thought leader in the industry and generate more traffic to your profile. This will in turn increase your ranking.

Getting your profile to rank on LinkedIn requires lots of patience and marketing knowledge. Leave it to the professionals at Bizzuka to help you manage your social media and generate more leads. Schedule a free strategy call with us today for expert advice on optimizing your LinkedIn profile and overall social media plan!