What to Look for When Hiring a Digital Marketing Agency 

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August 27, 2021

When hiring a digital marketing agency, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach.

It’s important to find an agency that understands your unique business needs and goals.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss some of the most important factors to look for when hiring a digital marketing agency that’s right for you.

1. Size

Contrary to popular belief, an agency’s small size doesn’t necessarily impact the quality of work that they produce.

In fact, smaller agencies can provide more personalized services and attention than a larger agency might be able to offer you.

Take some time to interview potential agencies of all sizes.

  • How many clients do they have?
  • How long has their team been in business?
  • How long have their team members been in the industry?
  • Do they provide a free consultation?
  • What’s their service offering and pricing structure like?
  • How will you communicate with them (face to face, phone calls, email)?

These are just a few of the many questions to ask that can help you determine if an agency is right for you.

2. Specialties

Not all digital marketing agencies offer the same specialities. They can specialize in various channels, such as SEO, social media, paid search advertising (PPC), email marketing campaigns, copywriting, and more.

Many agencies have in-house teams or consultants that specialize in each marketing channel, which can help you prioritize your short- and long-term digital marketing goals.

For example, agencies that offer SEO services will have experts who specialize in organic search engine optimization – ensuring an optimized website (for both desktop & mobile) with the right mix of content to drive traffic and leads for a business or organization.

3. Track record

Another important factor to look at when hiring a digital marketing agency is their track record.

Successful agencies have extensive experience working with a variety of businesses and organizations that are similar to your own needs, goals, and objectives. It’s important to take a look at their reviews and portfolio to learn about their experience in your industry.

Any agency will likely be able to provide you with case studies, testimonials, or references from previous clients who were willing to share their honest experiences.

These are just some of the factors that can help you determine which agency is right for your business. At Bizzuka, we’re a small, locally-owned agency serving clients nationwide. We specialize in custom software and website development, as well as all facets of digital marketing. Some of our best testimonials are shared on our website, and we’re always happy to provide more examples of our previous work. Schedule a free strategy session with us today.