How Fast Should Your Website Be? 

website speed loading bars
July 28, 2021

If your website takes more than four seconds to load, you’re losing customers before they even get the chance to look at your website.

There are many things that contribute to this speed: blog posts, images, videos, and file sizes all play a role in how fast your site loads.

Let’s take a look at the importance of page speed and how to improve it.

Why page speed matters

When you visit a website, how long does it take before you decide, “This is taking too long, I’m moving on to the next one”?

Most likely only a few seconds. 

Think With Google has shown that a page speed of:

  • 1 – 3 seconds can increase your bounce rate by 32%.

  • 3 – 5 seconds can increase your bounce rate by 90%.

  • 5 – 6 seconds can increase your bounce rate by 106%.

  • 6 – 10 seconds can increase your bounce rate by 123%.

This is why having a page speed of at most 2 seconds is incredibly important when it comes to maintaining a healthy bounce rate.

But how do you boost your page speed?

Fixing your website speed

Unfortunately, increasing your site speed isn’t necessarily a DIY project–unless you come from an IT or technical background and understand how to:

  • Optimize and compress the files on your site with gzip

  • Reduce HTTP requests

  • Remove unused scripts

  • Use cookie-free domains

  • Utilize content delivery networks

  • Reduce DNS lookups

  • Add expires headers

On the brightside, you can check your site speed for free by plugging your URL into Pingdom. It’ll give you a letter grade as well as a list of the things that are slowing down your website.

Anything above a C is a pretty impressive score. Anything at or below this score could use some work. At Bizzuka, we can help you increase your site speed and retain the right traffic. Maximize your website performance by scheduling a free strategy session with us today!