How to Use Facebook for Lead Generation 

neon Facebook like symbol
June 2, 2021

Facebook is one of the best lead generation tools on the market.

This year, the app broke its own record by reporting $25.4 billion in ad revenue during the first quarter of 2021.

This is a pretty impressive jump when compared to Q1 of 2020, when Facebook reported $20.7 billion in ad revenue.

There’s a reason why this number has been climbing, and you need to experience it for yourself. 

Whether you’re new to the Facebook ad game or looking to improve your current ads, it’s important to understand how to properly use this tool for lead generation.

Let’s take a look at how to optimize your strategy.

Where to start

Generating high-quality leads starts with a hyper-targeted audience. Without one, you’re wasting your money by loosely targeting any and everyone. Thankfully, Facebook gives you the option to create different types of audiences, so that you can show your ads specifically to your ideal customers.

Lookalike audiences

If you have a customer email list, you can upload it into Facebook and create a lookalike audience. This type of audience will pull demographics and characteristics from the list that you uploaded and create a group of people with similar characteristics. After all, who better to model your target audience after than people who’ve already spent money with you?

Custom audiences

These days, our attention spans are too short to read long ads. What really grasps our attention is visual media like photos and videos. Incorporating them into your content is one of the best (and cheapest) ways to create an ad or landing page that converts. 

One of the coolest parts about video ads is that you can create custom audiences based off of people who’ve watched at least 25% of your ad. Take this interested audience and target them again with a new ad that’s directed towards people who are further along in your buyer’s journey. Because they’ve watched at least ¼ of your video, they’re more likely to remember who you are and convert.

Writing copy that converts

Once you’ve defined your target audience, you’ll need a compelling message and call-to-action on your ads and landing pages to get them to convert. This is why it’s vital that you do your research first. You need to be crystal clear on your offering and your audience in order to write content that reaches your ideal people and compels them to take action. 

Both your ad and landing page need to be very straightforward when it comes to describing your offer. Speak to your customers like you would in real life–cut out the fluff. The clearer your offer, the better you’ll be able to weed out the people you don’t want and hyperfocus on your ideal clients. 

When you understand the pain points of your audience, you can address them and empathize with them in your ad. First, capture their attention with an emotional hook that lets them know you understand their problem. Then, you can sell them on your solution. This is the key to generating high-quality leads with higher intent.

Generating leads using any platform can be quite a complicated process. Leave it to the professionals at Bizzuka to help you create ads that attract high-quality leads and get them to convert. Schedule a free strategy call with us today for expert advice on how to tweak your lead generation strategy.