Why You Need to Include Facebook in Your Marketing Efforts Now 

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  • Why You Need to Include Facebook in Your Marketing Efforts Now
March 19, 2021

If you’re new to the social media marketing world, figuring out where to start can be extremely overwhelming. 

From Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok, to Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube, your options are endless. 

One of the most common misconceptions about social media marketing is that it’s only beneficial to certain industries (e.g., food and retail).

Oil and gas, manufacturing, and healthcare industries often tend to forgo this type of marketing because they “don’t think their audience is there.”

This couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Facebook is the biggest social media platform on the web.

So you think your customers aren’t on social media? Think again.

Out of the 7.9 billion people in the world, 2.8 billion of them are on Facebook.

Regardless of your industry, the likelihood of your audience being on at least one form of social media is immense. 

In fact, research has shown that 48.5% of B2B decision makers go to Facebook for research.

Another shocking statistic shows that â…” of Facebook users visit a local business page every week.

That being said, if you haven’t already created your Facebook business account, we recommend doing so as soon as possible.

Chances are that your competition is NOT doing this.

Oftentimes, business owners tend to mimic what their competitors are doing when it comes to marketing. 

This is no way to stand out.

Try looking at what your competition ISN’T doing, and use this to your advantage.

For example, if you’re a pipelining company, chances are that your competitors aren’t using Facebook to advertise or reach out to customers.

This leaves a major untapped client well for you to target. 

Facebook targeting options are extremely broad.

When creating Facebook ads, you can target consumers based on their:

  • Geographic location,
  • Age,
  • Gender,
  • Demographics,
  • Interests,
  • Behaviors,
  • And more.

Using these options will help you target people with specific job titles, income, political views, and other characteristics. 

You will improve your online authority.

Using online marketing in any capacity to promote your company will change the way that your audience views your business. Not only will it increase your ranking across the web, but it’ll place you among other respected industry competitors. 

When your customers see your name alongside these industry leaders, the likelihood that they’ll buy from you and view you as credible increases dramatically.


Internet marketing is crucial for every industry. Still not convinced? Check out these 6 ways social media marketing provides value for the oil and gas industry, or schedule a free marketing strategy call with Bizzuka today.