5 LinkedIn Lead Gen Strategies 

linkedin under magnifying glass
August 6, 2021

A lot of people see LinkedIn as a place to network and find potential clients or employees.

In reality, it’s an underutilized lead generation tool which can be used to target B2B leads and increase your reach.

In order to be successful with your LinkedIn lead gen efforts, you need to implement the following 5 strategies:

1. Building out a complete profile with links back to your website

A LinkedIn profile is nothing without a link back to your website. Not only does this add credibility to your business in the eyes of potential leads, but it also increases your authority in Google’s eyes. The more high-quality links back to your site, the better–and LinkedIn is definitely a great way to do this.

It’s also important to take time completing every section of your profile and making sure all the links actually work. In doing so, don’t forget about the “skills” section! This particular part of your profile is where you have the right to brag about your products and/or services and what makes you stand out from the competition.

2. Position yourself as an expert in your industry

Positioning yourself as an expert is a great way to get your name out there and generate leads. All you have to do is write content about your industry or field of expertise, add some keywords that are related to the post’s topic, and presto!

Content like this makes it very easy for people to find you who haven’t heard about you just yet. It’s as simple as adding your blog posts (and other media) to the “Publications” section on your profile page.

If you don’t already have this section on your profile, simply scroll down your profile until you see the “More,” “Add Section,” and “Open To” buttons pop up at the top. Click Add Section>Accomplishments>Publications.

3. Be personal in your outreach

People are so used to getting inquiries from people they don’t know that it can be difficult to break through to someone.

So, take the time to personalize your outreach to potential clients and make a connection before asking anything of them. LinkedIn is no different than any other social media platform or networking event where you need to build relationships with others who share your interests first.

This is where knowing what your target customer wants to hear from you can really make a difference. For example, if you’re in the finance industry and want to reach out to people who work for banks or other financial institutions, find some common ground with them first before asking about anything that might be considered salesy talk. It’s all about forming relationships.

The more work you put into your profile, the better chance you have at getting leads and converting them to customers or clients for your business.

4. Creating groups for professionals in your industry 

LinkedIn groups are one of the most underutilized tools when it comes to generating leads. These groups grant you unlimited access to a well of potential prospects who are looking for companies just like yours. 

All you have to do is find a group that has people in your target market, write about what information they need and how you can help them with their problems, and then share that post on LinkedIn as well as other social media platforms.

If there isn’t a group for your industry yet, start one! Not only will this help you get your name out there as a leader in your industry, but it’ll allow you to be selective in choosing the right people for the group.

It’s a good idea to share your company’s blog posts within the group as well, so people will know where they can get more information from you in the future.

5. Sharing helpful content to your page

LinkedIn has a section called “content” where you can share what’s new, important, and on your mind. You don’t need a large number of followers in order to use this tool; sharing helpful content appropriate for your industry is all that matters. 

Share articles that are relevant to the issues or problems people in your industry might be facing right now. This is one of the best ways to generate leads because it shows potential prospects that you’re an expert who cares about their well-being.

Don’t forget to share your content on other platforms too! This is a great way for people who aren’t LinkedIn members yet to learn more about what your company can do for them.

Generating leads on LinkedIn requires lots of patience and marketing knowledge. Leave it to the professionals at Bizzuka to help you manage your social media and generate more leads. Schedule a free strategy call with us today for expert advice on optimizing your LinkedIn profile and overall social media plan!