How Soon Can You Expect Results After Your Site Launch? 

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  • How Soon Can You Expect Results After Your Site Launch?
August 13, 2021

Launching a new website is an exhilarating and exciting feat for any business.

Whether you’re just getting started with rebuilding your site, or you’re right on the verge of launching your site, you’re likely bubbling over with questions:

When will people start contacting me?

How soon can I expect to see a return on my investment?

When will the leads start pouring in?

If you’re expecting to see these results right away, the truth is that you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

Why generating results won’t happen overnight

Unfortunately, launching a new website doesn’t come with the same line around the block that you might see at the grand opening of a new brick and mortar store.

It takes about three months to a year for Google to crawl and authenticate your new site.

It needs to determine: 

  • How many backlinks you have
  • How reliable and trustworthy your site is
  • If your keywords are being used appropriately
  • How relevant your site is to users’ searches
  • The search intent that your site caters to
  • Your page speed

Once Google has checked all of these things and confirmed that you’re a legitimate and credible company, it will begin to move you up the search rankings.

How to track your results

A great way to start tracking your ROI is using tools like Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager. These tools will show you business metrics like return visits, bounce rates, conversion rates, and unsubscribe rates. 

It’s important that you start tracking these stats immediately, so you can get the clearest picture of your results over time. Monitoring these metrics will clue you in as to what’s working and what’s not, so that you can tweak and refine your SEO and marketing strategies accordingly.

Make sure to set clear goals with deadlines and keep track of how close your site is to hitting those marks. Remember that it takes time for the changes or new content on your website to take effect, so don’t be discouraged if your site doesn’t jump to the first page of Google results right out of the gate.

How SEO contributes to your visibility

You’re probably familiar with the expression, “If you build it, they will come.” Unfortunately, that’s not quite the case when it comes to your website. 

Not only does it take time for Google to recognize and reward the credibility of your website, but without using search engine optimization (SEO) to increase your visibility, it’s almost impossible to get your site seen by the right people. 

SEO success is not a one-time effort, but an ongoing process that requires dedication and consistent work. Depending upon the competitiveness of your keywords, it could take months or years to see results. While it’s a long-term investment, SEO will be the leading force in attracting visitors to your website, which means it should always be one of your top priorities when launching a new site.

Businesses that utilize SEO are known to rank higher in search results, earn more revenue, and see an increase in brand awareness and relevant traffic.

When you hire a digital marketing agency like Bizzuka to tackle your SEO, you can speed up Google’s authentication process and start seeing results that pay off within 4 – 6 months. These results will only continue to increase over time–that’s the beauty of SEO. Contact us today to schedule a free strategy session!