7 Healthcare Marketing Trends to Take Advantage of Next Year 

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December 29, 2022

As we close out 2022, it’s time to start thinking about how you can take advantage of the latest healthcare marketing trends in 2023. 

From virtual care to patient engagement, there are a number of opportunities for practices to grow and succeed next year. Here are 7 healthcare marketing trends to keep an eye on: 

1. Increased focus on patient engagement

Healthcare marketing is so much more than just a roadmap to patient acquisition. It should also be used to engage and retain your current patients. 

With patient engagement initiatives like appointment reminders, surveys, easier access to care, and in-office amenities, you can increase patient satisfaction and loyalty. This will help your practice remain competitive and stay top-of-mind for patients when they are considering where to go for care. 

2. Patient volume controlled by UX

Did you know that in the past 3 years, there’s been a 40% increase in consumers leaving healthcare providers due to a poor digital experience?

This number is too big to ignore.

User experience (UX) is becoming increasingly important in healthcare. To make sure you’re not included in this 40%, you’ll need to complete the following checklist:

3. Evolution in SEO practices

Search engine optimization (SEO) tactics are constantly evolving in response to changes in Google’s algorithms. 

To ensure your practice is appearing at the top of relevant searches, you’ll need to stay on top of the latest SEO trends and adjust your practices accordingly. 

These days, SEO is so much more than simply adding keywords to your content. You need to focus on creating site content that aligns with the search intent of your ideal audience, including adding location-based terms such as “near me” and your city name in the text. 

4. Integrated marketing campaigns will continue to be well-received

Integrated marketing campaigns – which combine multiple channels to reach consumers in an integrated way – will continue to be popular among healthcare organizations. This approach helps ensure that potential patients are receiving a consistent message across all of the organization’s channels. Make sure that your branding is consistent across all of these channels for a seamless user experience. 

5. Increased value in social proof 

Social proof, when customers share their positive experiences with your practice online, is becoming an increasingly valuable way to build trust and credibility. 

Especially when the majority of your patients are coming in as a result of a referral or recommendation from family or friends.

Practices should look for ways to encourage satisfied patients to post reviews and testimonials on popular review sites, as well as share their experiences via social media. 

6. Rise in patient/consumer-first content

One of the biggest mistakes we commonly see in healthcare marketing is self-centered content. When a consumer reaches your website, they want to be able to see themselves in your content. 

No offense, but they don’t care about your history. 

They care about what you can do to help them. With that in mind, your content should be patient/consumer-focused. Stop using terms like “I” and “we,” and start using more buyer-centric terms such as “you.”

7. Emphasis on multicultural marketing

As the population becomes increasingly diverse, healthcare organizations need to be aware of how they communicate with different ethnic groups and ensure their marketing messages are culturally appropriate or available in multiple languages.

A good way to start is by taking a look at the geosocial statistics in your area to determine the unique needs in your community and how your patient/consumer population is affected. Gaining a better understanding of their needs will help you craft better content, campaigns, internal operations, and programs to best support them.

By keeping an eye on these trends, you can position your organization to take full advantage of the opportunities available in 2023. 

The best way to enhance your marketing practice and bring in more patients next year is by investing in your practice.

When you implement the OPTICS™ framework in your healthcare organization, our proven and structured process helps you scale your revenue by building a high-performing business development and marketing team that will execute your vision with competence and precision–without the need for your constant oversight.

This framework is essential to helping you generate the insights needed to grow exponentially in 2023. To get started, schedule a free strategy call with Bizzuka. We’ll walk through your current strategy, help you recognize where you may be falling short, and determine whether OPTICS™ is a good fit for your organization.