How to generate leads with your website 

lead generation strategy funnel
October 3, 2020

Your website has the potential to be so much more than just an electronic billboard or today’s version of an old Yellow Page ad. If built and optimized correctly, your website can become a powerful lead generating machine. So how do you generate leads with your website? 

Whether the goal for your website is to sell products, provide services, or generate more foot traffic to your store, the following tips can help you generate more online leads. 

Install a Live Chat to Generate Leads with Your Website.

If you think about it, most people would prefer to put off talking with a salesperson as long as possible. Installing Live Chat on your site is a great option for any company, because it allows your potential customers to communicate directly with you while on your site and in real time. Many people prefer this method, especially if they want information right now, or they’re unable or unwilling to speak over the phone. 

The quicker your response time, the more impressed your visitors will be, and the more likely they are to consider buying your products or services before they click off to a competitor’s site. 

Optimize Your Site for Mobile Use to Generate Leads from Your Website. 

The latest study from Pew Research indicates that 81% of adults own a smartphone and use it to access the Internet. Our own research, after reviewing the data behind hundreds of our clients’ websites, revealed that over 50% of their web traffic now comes from a mobile device. So, your website can generate a lot of leads to mobile users. 

By optimizing your site for mobile use, you decrease the chances of losing visitors due to a hard to view or difficult to navigate design. If your website is not mobile-friendly, you’re missing out on a massive mobile audience–and the odds are that your visitors are bouncing off of your site and onto your competitor’s site. Give mobile visitors the opportunity to get what they need by conveniently clicking a link to dial your phone, and you’ll see a nice spike your website generating leads.

Recognize Where Visitors are Clicking

Understanding where your website visitors click and don’t click can help you decide the best places to put your most valuable offers. Different tools such as heat maps can show you which areas of your site are receiving the most clicks, which referral or traffic sources are generating them, and how far down the page your visitors typically scroll.

Identifying these areas of your site will also help you determine the best spots to test calls-to-action and see which ones are working the best. This insight is critical to optimizing your site for lead generation and can significantly improve your conversion rates. Knowing where someone clicks will help your website generate more leads. 

Implement an Exit Popup to Generate More Website Leads

Realistically, most of the people that leave your site will never return, but this shouldn’t hold you back from trying everything in the book to convert them. One of the best ways to increase your conversion rates is by implementing an exit popup offer so that your website will generate more leads. 

Exit offers work by popping up a small screen or overlay whenever users move their mouse into the menu bar area (like they’re headed toward the back button or to type in a new URL). The goal is to grab their attention before they go with an exclusive, irresistible offer (ideally in exchange for their contact info) and turn the visitor into a marketing-ready lead.

Add Forms to the Pages with the Most Traffic

After you’ve determined which of your site pages generate the most traffic, you’ll need to optimize these pages for conversions, so that you can begin nurturing those leads with an email drip sequence or other form of communication. Drip sequences work hand-in-hand with your website to generate leads.

One way to increase conversions is to add valuable, downloadable content on these pages that visitors can only access after providing you with their contact information via an online web form. 

These webforms should be connected to an email marketing platform like Drip, Keap, or ActiveCampaign, where you can automate the lead nurturing process through a series of pre-written emails. The first email, obviously, would be the one that sends the requested information to the visitor. Subsequent emails should further add value to your prospect’s life and continue to build rapport with your company.

Add an Education-Focused CTA to the Homepage

One of the biggest web design mistakes we consistently see in B2B websites is the failure to put a compelling call-to-action (CTA) on the home page. Many people think that “Subscribe to Our Newsletter” is a compelling CTA. Nothing can be further from the truth.

I hate to break it to you, but no one cares about your newsletter. They get enough junk in their inbox already.

The CTAs that get the most conversions from our clients are the ones that provide education that a visitor is already seeking. That’s where understanding your buyer and the buyer’s journey pays off in spades. 

The key here is in knowing what information your buyers are seeking on their path to solving their problem… the problem that can best be solved by your product or service.

Think of it this way: Visitors will go to your website because they want information, they’ll give you their contact information because they want education, and they’ll buy from you because they want transformation

Your job is to position your company’s products or services as the things that will provide the transformation your prospects seek. Do that correctly, and you’ll get a customer.

In the meantime, you need to build a pipeline of prospects, and the best way to do that is to provide valuable education in exchange for contact information.

So, put a CTA on your homepage (and throughout your site, frankly), that offers visitors valuable information that will help them along their buyer’s journey. We’ve had great success with CTAs for catalogs, how-to manuals, instructional videos, educational webinars, and the like. Build educational content and watch your conversions skyrocket.

In this day and age, your website is one of the most powerful lead generation tools that you can leverage. A well thought-out conversion strategy can really help your business dominate your competition. 

When you let Bizzuka build your website, you’re putting your site in the hands of professional web marketers (not just developers) who are constantly testing and analyzing to see what works and what doesn’t. Schedule a strategy call with us today to learn more about how we can turn your website into an automated lead generating machine!