Why Almost Half of U.S. Healthcare Workers are Planning To Resign 

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  • Why Almost Half of U.S. Healthcare Workers are Planning To Resign
September 29, 2022

According to a recent study, up to 47% of all U.S. healthcare workers are planning to resign by 2025 if serious changes don't occur in the industry. 

This is in part due to the increased pressure that they are feeling from new regulations and changes in the industry. 

This is a huge problem, as the U.S. healthcare industry is already facing a massive workforce shortage. 

The survey also found that many healthcare workers feel overworked and underpaid. If this trend continues, it could have disastrous consequences for the U.S. healthcare system.

What needs to change

The study also found that 68% of nurses and 71% of doctors feel that their jobs have changed significantly in the past decade, and many are stating that this change was for the worse.

But why exactly?

Doctors and nurses are feeling undervalued and unappreciated.

Healthcare workers are some of the most important people in our society. Every single one of us relies on them in some form or the other. 

But despite their importance, many healthcare workers report feeling undervalued and unappreciated. This is a major problem, as it's becoming increasingly difficult to attract new talent to the healthcare industry when current workers feel undervalued. 

Understaffing is increasing burnout.

Another major factor contributing to healthcare worker burnout is understaffing. 

Hospitals are struggling to keep up with the demand for care, which often leads to overworked and stressed out employees. This is a vicious cycle, as understaffed hospitals are more likely to experience errors and accidents, which leads to even more patients needing care. 

This puts an even greater strain on the already overworked staff, leading to increased burnout.

They don't have the proper technology training.

Doctors and nurses are calling for more skills training, particularly in how to properly use health data and technology to optimize the patient-doctor relationship.

As healthcare technology advances, it's becoming more and more important for doctors and nurses to be able to properly use these new tools. 

However, many healthcare workers feel that they don't have the proper training to do so, and 83% of clinicians reported feeling the need for specialized training in order to keep up with technology.

This lack of confidence can lead to errors and poor decision-making, which can ultimately have a negative impact on patient care. 

Healthcare workers are feeling overworked, undervalued, and undertrained. If these problems are not addressed, the industry will continue to lose talented employees. 

How hiring a fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) can help

The conversation needs to change from simply talking about today's healthcare problems, to actually delivering solutions that improve patient outcomes.  

That being said, it's time for the healthcare industry to start investing in its workforce. Only then will it be able to provide the best possible care for its patients.

The best way to invest in your workforce is by hiring a fractional CMO for help.

A fractional CMO works with your healthcare business on a “fractional” basis, meaning that you won’t have to bankroll a full-time marketer with benefits. However, you’ll receive the same advantages that you would having full-time personnel on board.

At Bizzuka, our goal is to help you improve your patient outcomes and bring more patients in the door, all the while reducing your stress and burnout. 

How we do this

When you hire one of Bizzuka’s fractional CMOs, you’ll get help refining your messaging and increasing visibility to attract new employees and/or patients. 

We’re also up to speed on the latest technology and offer specialized training to keep your team up to speed with your new marketing plan. Not to mention, by hiring someone else to tackle your marketing, you can reduce your own burnout by getting back to doing what you do best–caring for others.

Ready to get started?

Schedule your free 60-minute marketing diagnostic consultation with Bizzuka today. On this call, you’ll gain clarity on your strategy, tactics, time allocation, and direction. If it looks like we can help, we’ll arrange another call to discuss further. If not, we can at least point you in the right direction to get the help you need.